Quality Assurance

We are aware of quality responsibility and attach importance to certifications.

We have ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

As a global manufacturer, our product quality is guaranteed by internationally valid documents. Quality control and product quality are standardized with EN 15088:2005 Factory Production Control (CE) certificate, TS EN 755-9, TS EN 755-1, TS EN 12020-1 and TS 4922 TSE conformity certificates, QUALICOAT certificates.</p >

With the management approach through processes, the targets of each process are monitored periodically with Process Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and we aim to improve every day in everything we do with the aim of continuous improvement.

Quality Control

Our Total Quality Management Approach has spread to the entire team, from management to the grassroots. Each operation, from input controls to final controls, is carried out meticulously by the responsible operators, accompanied by control plans, and is supported by the Process Quality Control team.

Spectrometer Device (Raw Material Chemical Analysis), Romidot Profile Measurement Device, Hardness Testing Device (Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers), 100 kN (10ton) in our surface treatment laboratory and mechanical laboratory. ) capacity tensile and compression test devices, product test reports are published in line with the demands of our customers.